Article: 'En sort film om lyserØd modstand' (Danish) 21st March 2012 |
Here´s an article about "CÜrÜk" from the Turkish newspaper Radikal (Turkish) 30th November 2011 |
Interview with Ulrike BÖhnisch (German) 20th October 2011 Queer Film Festival Hamburg |
DOK Market Catalogue // DOK Leipzig Çürük – The Pink Report has been added to the DOK Market Catalogue 2011 |
Miradas Doc Market 2nd - 4th November Guía de Isora, Tenerife |
"Ein Coming Out vor der Nation" - Annika Haas blogged about the first team screening of Çürük - The Pink Report in Istanbul.
"Als Homosexueller im tÜrkischen MilitÄr" Berlin aktuell hauptstadt news kompakt |
"SÜper Film CÜrÜk – The Pink Report MÄnner am Rande der Gesellschaft" Ulrike Böhnisch as guest, interviewed by Anna-Bianca Krause at Funkhaus Europa, radio show 14th April 2011 |
"Coming-out vor der tÜrkischen Nation" Philip Eicker of "siegessä", a gay-lesbian magazine, reports on "Çürük" and how the Turkish military deals with homosexual conscripts. |
"Das Festival »achtung berlin« prÄsentiert 80 hÖchst unterschiedliche Spiel- und Dokumentarfilme
" 11.04.2011 |